Friday, 27 December 2013

Yoga Nidra: Relaxation Techniques

The First Step in lifestyle diseases management is to work on mental stress through Yoga Nidra

Consciously relax every part of your body starting from the feet, finishing with your head.  Relax physically and mentally…. follow these steps for Relaxation.

Imagine yourself standing early morning sunrise in green lush grass with open blue skies.

Take your awareness to the sunrise, Observe the colors, awareness to the red color, awareness to the vitality, courage and self-confidence with you.  Observe the warmth of the sun.  Observe the blood circulation within yourself. 

Now take your awareness to orange/saffron color.  Saffron color connects you to the golden light of the rising sun.  Bring awareness to the vitality and consciousness within you.  With orange color around, your boredom and discouragement is fading away.  Observe the stimulated energy with yourself.

Observe the yellow color and observe the sense of generosity, complete satisfaction and contentment within yourself.
Now observe the blue skies, Observe the blue color, the coolest color.  Blue color connects you to the water element of the body.  Blue will connect you to your sub consciousness, to the ocean of your inner pictures, dreams, visions and the whole world of sensations and emotions related to them.

Now observe the green grass with dew drops on them.  Observe the balance and harmony with you.  Observe the coolness on your toes as you step on the green grass.

White is the color of purity and innocence. .  White stands for wholeness and completion.  White is associated with having a cold quality, but it can provide intense clarity, as it's energy is fully complete.  White has vibrations that will lead to purification and can be used to clear blocks in your energy path.

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  1. Hi Dr. Trusha, your blog is an amazing help for me to relax... in such a stressed schedule I love to follow ur tips.
    Thank u :)

  2. thank you Nitisha for your feedback. please keep reading my blogs, it will be really helpful to you.

  3. Hello madam,
    I am happy to get training under you, I have learnt a lot from u in Ayurveda. I keep reading ur blogs and implement the knowledge in my consultations.
    Thanks and Regards.

  4. Hello Dr. Trusha,
    Thanks for treating my friend for psoriasis disease, there was no treatment in allopathy. God Bless U!!!

  5. Hai...this is really awesome..keep blogging.
    Preventive Healthcare
